Activities & Tours

Hot Air Balloon Tour
Fabulous Cappadocia is counted as one of the best places to do hot air ballooning. The unique landscape with it’s magnificent valleys, volcanic rock formations, spectacular pigeoun houses, breath taking views and with excellent weather conditions, Cappadocia allows the balloons gently drift over throught the valleys like a ship on the river.
Get ready to have your a life times experience.
In the end it won’t matter how many breaths you took but how many moments took your breath away. There are two diffirent types of balloon flights offered in Cappadocia, according to flight duration and service.
Standart Balloon Flights ( 1 hour )
The standart balloon flights offer a minimum one hour flight time in the air. You will be picked up from our hotel early in the morning, most generally before sunrise and transported to the take off area. Light breakfast will be serviced such as; teas, coffees and cookies while you watch the balloons get ready. Mean while, your balloon pilot will give you brief information about the safety measures and basic rules. Once everything is ready, then it is the time to pop in the basket and let the hightlight of your Turkey trip begin!
The take off will be gently and soon you will have taken so many pictures already over the beautiful views Cappadocia show you.
After the safe landing, generally on the trailor, you will be taken our of the basket one by one and will meet with celebration dest which is already made ready for you by the balloon crew. The beautiful flight is celebrated with champagne (which is a tradition for ballooners) and you will be hanged out your flight certificates. Once all is done, you will be driven back to the hotel, generally before 8 o’clock for another breakfast at the hotel and get ready for your tours starting at 9:30 if you have any or for a nap.
There will be maximum of 20 people in the basket allowing enough space for everybody to look around, move and make good shots through the camera eyes.
Cappadocia Tours
Cappadocia lies right in the middle of central Anatolia and covers all the cities around it.
It’s history goes back to millions of years ago to the eruption of volcanic mountains; Mt. Erciyes in Kayseri and Mt. Hasan and Mt. Melendiz in Aksaray.
Our hotel..
is located in Goreme National Park, where mainly the existance of the eruptions viewed the best
There are 3 diffirent daily tours organised regularly every day. All the tours start around 9:30 in the morning and takes almost all day. Tours are guided by Professional English speaking guides and do include; transportation, entrance fees and lunch. The only thing you would pay extra for, is your drinks.
Red Tour – 9:30 to 17:00
Göreme Open air Museum – Rock cut churches with frescos
Çavuşin – Old Greek village
Paşabağ – Fairy chimneys
Avanos – Potery Demostration
Devrent – Imagination Valley
Urgup – Wine tasting
Green Tour – 9:30 to 18:30
Göreme Panorma – Beautiful view of Göreme Valley and a general information about the region
Derinkuyu Underground City – The cave life underground
Ihlara Valley – 3.5 km hike through the valley
Belisırma Village – Lunch Break
Selime Monastery – The Star Wars movie set in 1975
Uchisar – Pigeon Valley
Blue Tour – 9:30 – 18:30
Mustafa Paşa – Old Greek Village
Keşlik Monastery
Taşkınpaşa Madrasah
Sebessos Ancient City Excavation Area
Soganlı Valley – Rock Cut Churches
Tilköy - Caravansarai

Whirling Derviches Ceromony
Whirling Derviches Ceromony is organised in an old historical caravansarai building from Selcuk’s peroid named Saruhan.
It starts at 21:00 in winter and 21:30 during summer time every evening. The hole excursions takes around 1 and half hours with the slide show on to the huge wall of the Caravansarai and the real ceromony in the building with Serbet, a tradition religious drink, offering at the end.
You will be taken a bit earlier than start time to have enough time to look around the historical building.
Childeren under 10 years old are not allowed in the ceromony. Also, it is forbidden to take pictures in the ceromony.
The cost is 35 Euro per person, included two way transportation.A brief information about the Whirling Dervish and the Ceromony;Sema (Whirling Derviches Ceromony), is the inspiration of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (1207 – 1273) as well as part of the Turkish culture, belied and history in Konya. It symbolizes the diffirent meanings of a mystic cycle to perfection.
Contemporary science definetly confirms that the fundamental condition of our existance is to revolve. There is no object, no being which does not revolve. Everything whirls and man, a whirling dervish, carries on his life, his very existance by means of revolution in the atoms, structural elements in his body, by the circulation of his blood, by his coming from the earth and return to it, by his revolving with the earht itself.
The Sema (Whirling Derviches) ceromony represents all a mystical journey of man’s spiritual ascent through love, finding the truth and arriving to the “Perfect”. Then he returns from this spiritual journey as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the all creation, to all creatures withour discriminating in regard to belief, class or race.
The dervish with his hat (his ego’s tombstone) and his whire skirt (his egos’s shroud) is spiritual born to the truth. When he removes his black cloak, he journeys and advances to the spiritual maturity through the stages of the Sema. At the beggining and each stage of the Sema holding his arms crosswise he represents number one, and testifies to God’s unity.
While whirling his arms are open, his right hand directed to the sky ready to recive God’s beneficence, gazing his left hand turned toward to the earth for giving what he recived to poor, he turns from right to left, pivoting around the earh. This is his way of conveying God’s spiritual gift to the people upon whom God “looks with a Divine” watchfullness. Revolving around the heart, from right to left, he embraces all of humankind, all the creation with affection and love.
Turkish Bath (Hamam)
The Turkish Hamam or Turkish Bath is the direct successor to the Roman bath and has had a special place in Turkish tradition for hundreds of years. Traditionally the Hamam has a domed roof with thick bottle-glass lights set into the dome that concentrate the sunlight. Lying on the hot marble slabs it is easy to image yourself transported back to the time of the Saracens.
It is a place where you can rejuvenate both body and mind. After changing into the traditional 'Pestemal' a type of sarong, and wooden shoes called 'Takunya, your body is acclimatized with warm water, then scrubbed with 'loaf', to remove the top layers of dead skin cells and ingrained dirt.
The soap massage that follows is pure melting pleasure, leaving your skin refreshed, tingling and your whole body rejuvenated. A warm dry towel, a place to relax and a taste of Turkish delight ends the session, unless of course you want to go the whole way and take a sauna or Turkish massage.
No vacation in Turkey is complete without a visit to the Turkish Bath. Most public baths segregate the sexes.

Turkish Night
Turkish night is one of the nic evening excursions in Cappadocia. The show generally starts at 20:30 pm. The program starts with the whirling dervishes. After the fabilious demostration, drinks and dinner is served. While you are having your dinner the folk dance group make their prepraitions for their traditonal show.
They present all kinds of folk dance motives from all over Turkey. Then the dance show doesnt stop. The belly dancer comes out to scene and she shows us her talents. The night goes on with the fire and the knife shows. Finally, it is time you to be on the scene to dance with traditional turkish music. The night ends at about 23:30. Then you will be transfered back to hotel by hotel staff. It is an unvaluable experience that you can do at night in Cappadocia.
The night includes; unlimited drinks, diner and two way transportation.